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Dennis Hansmann No Comments

“Should I sell my business when it’s doing so well?” It’s a question that may seem counterintuitive, but it carries a lot of weight. In the world of commerce, these kinds of paradoxes often hold the most profound opportunities. 

In this post, we’ll look deeper than the surface-level peace of mind that a growing firm may provide and look at the strategic decision-making process. We’ll look at the many facets of corporate worth, including actual assets, market position, and future potential. 

We pledge to provide you with an understanding free of emotional prejudice and bolstered by pragmatic reality via the use of illuminating case studies and incisive analysis. This voyage will test your assumptions, stimulate your thinking, and perhaps alter your entrepreneurial experience. 

So, take the risk and join us on this non-emotional adventure. Discover the tactics, assess the circumstances, and unleash the power of sound decision-making. Selling a successful business is not a surrender; it’s a strategic move. Let us guide you to what lies beyond the paradox.

Understanding the Concept of Value

Multifaceted Nature of Business Value

Two persons discussing about the Business Value

The value of a business is a complex, multifaceted concept that extends far beyond mere numbers on a financial report. It encapsulates a gamut of elements, including tangible assets, which involve property, cash, inventory, and the like, and intangible assets, encompassing brand reputation, patents, trade secrets, and the potential for future earnings.

According to Ocean Tomo research, S&P 500 firms’ intangible assets accounted for 84% of their entire worth in 2018, up from 17% in 1975. This dramatic growth highlights corporate value’s changing nature and non-physical variables’ growing relevance.

The Principle of Buying Low and Selling High

Despite the complexity of the concept of value, one timeless principle holds true in the business realm: buy low, sell high. While simplistic in its formulation, this mantra represents a fundamental aspect of financial acumen.

However, in the context of selling a thriving firm, this idea takes on a new twist. Selling high may relate to a peak in financial success, a peak in market position, a peak in industry influence, or even a peak in personal enthusiasm for the business.

For example, Microsoft paid $26.2 billion for LinkedIn in 2016 at the zenith of the social networking platform’s user growth. LinkedIn’s choice to sell at this ‘high’ point exhibited a deep knowledge of value, demonstrating that maximum profitability and market impact may create a premium selling price.

The notion of ‘value’ is perpetually evolving in the labyrinthine business landscape. By cognizing this, business owners can position themselves advantageously, ensuring they sell when their business is doing great and when the value they’d receive reaches its zenith.

Factors to Consider When Selling a Successful Business

Economic Climate

When considering selling your firm, it is critical to assess the current economic condition. While it may be tempting to surf the wave of success indefinitely, astute business owners know that boom times give an extraordinary chance to benefit from inflated corporate valuations.

According to PitchBook research, the value of M&A transactions in North America and Europe peaked at $4.3 trillion in 2015, following a period of economic recovery. This figure emphasizes the number of opportunities that a positive economic climate may provide for business sales.

Personal Readiness

The owner’s personal readiness to sell is an often neglected but essential element. Selling a successful business may be emotionally draining since owners frequently strongly commit to their companies. It is critical to be emotionally prepared for this separation in order to bargain honestly and seal a successful transaction.

According to a 2019 Market Pulse research, 69% of advisers believe that the owner’s emotional preparedness is the most crucial aspect influencing a successful company sale. As a result, reflection and emotional readiness are critical when selling a firm.

Market Competition

An acute awareness of market competition is paramount in the decision to sell a thriving business. In a dynamic business environment, shifts in market dynamics could suddenly render a profitable venture less desirable. Selling before a surge in competition reduces profitability is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your financial return.

For instance, consider the case of WhatsApp, which was sold to Facebook for $19 billion in 2014. Despite its profitability, the rapidly evolving landscape of messaging apps made it an opportune moment for sale.

Understanding these factors, intertwined as they are with the undercurrents of the economic climate, personal readiness, and market competition, equips a business owner with the strategic acumen necessary for a successful business sale.

Assessing Potential Buyers

Gauging Financial Strength and Strategic Fit

An astute understanding of a potential buyer’s financial strength and strategic fit is paramount to maximizing the outcome of a business sale. It isn’t enough that a buyer simply has the funds for acquisition; they must also comprehend and align with the strategic vision of your business.

A PWC study indicated that strategic fit was crucial in 54% of successful M&A transactions. This implies that a buyer’s understanding and compatibility with your business vision play a pivotal role in a successful transition beyond monetary valuation.

Ensuring Business Continuity Post-Sale

The ultimate litmus test of a potential buyer is their capability to ensure business continuity post-sale. As a business owner, it’s imperative to select a buyer who can navigate the idiosyncrasies of your business, maintain its market position, and further its growth.

A Harvard Business Review report revealed that 70-90% of acquisitions fail due to integration issues. This statistic underscores the importance of choosing a buyer who understands your business and can effectively manage it post-acquisition.

Remember, selling your successful business is not just about achieving a profitable exit; it’s about handing over the reins to a capable successor who can further elevate its success. This critical understanding separates the everyday business owner from the truly successful entrepreneur.

Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Profitability and Potential

Working together with smile on face

Harvesting Profits vs. Cultivating Potential

Recognizing the contradiction of extracting earnings vs. developing potential is the first step toward comprehending this equilibrium. It’s a classic entrepreneurial conundrum: a successful firm is both a golden goose and a potential seed. Do you continue to gather golden eggs as an owner, or do you risk them for the opportunity to breed a bigger, better goose?

Only 27% of executives polled by Bain & Company said they had an effective balance between harvesting and nurturing. The difficulty is determining whether to cash in on present gains and when to invest in future possibilities.

Maximizing Exit Value

When it comes to selling a successful business, the balance shifts towards maximizing exit value. To maximize exit value, you need to demonstrate a history of profitability and potential for future growth.

A KPMG report showed that forward-looking earnings (earnings potential) are one of the top valuation metrics in M&A transactions. A thriving business demonstrates both historical success and potential for future prosperity, making it highly attractive to buyers and ensuring a lucrative exit for the seller.

Strategic Timing

Strategic scheduling is also required for balancing profitability and potential. Correctly timing a business sale might be the difference between a decent and a fantastic exit. Selling during a boom period suggests promise, but waiting too long may result in a corporate performance plateau.

According to a Deloitte analysis, timing and market considerations account for 87% of successful M&A transactions. This emphasizes the significance of timing in optimizing profit and potential during a business sale.

In summary, balancing profitability and potential requires carefully determining when to collect profits, how to optimize exit value, and when to pull the trigger on a sale. The ability to strike this balance is what distinguishes a good company sale from a great one.

Deciding to sell a successful business is a big deal, like a game of chess where every move counts. You have to be strategic, considering things like the value of your business, who the potential buyers are, and how to balance profitability with future potential. 

It’s not just about the numbers, though – you also have to think about personal readiness and competition in the market. And when it comes to evaluating potential buyers, you need to look at things like financial strength, how well they would fit with your business, and their ability to keep things going after the sale. 

Timing is key, too – selling during a growth phase can really help maximize your exit value. It’s not a matter of if you should sell your thriving business, but more about when and how to do it.