There are myriad reasons why the sale of a business doesn’t close successfully; these multiple causes can, however, be broken down into four categories: those caused by the seller, those caused by the buyer, those that just happen (“acts of
“Loose Lips Sink Ships”
The “loose lips” tagline was a common World War II phrase and was on posters everywhere. The problem continues on the business battlefront today. Leaks of confidential information coming from, apparently, some of the Directors of HP have been in
Dealing with Inexperience Can Ruin the Deal
The 65-year old owner of a multi-location retail operation doing $30 million in annual sales decided to retire. He interviewed a highly recommended intermediary and was impressed. However, he had a nephew who had just received his MBA and who
Small Companies That Can’t Afford to Sell
In many cases, the sale of a small company is “event” driven. That is, the reason for sale is health, divorce, partnership issues, even decline in business. A challenging reason is one in which the owners want to retire and