This is not just a hand car wash, but also a business that does a significant amount of full detailing from private parties, auto dealerships, and driver service businesses that have fleets. This detailing is done in a separate garage that is only used for detailing, but is attached to the main car wash facility. The current owner has built up the detailing business even more in recent months and has secured more new commercial account relationships that create a big increase in revenue just on the detail side of the business itself. So, when the weather is bad and many car washes are closed, this car wash is able to remain open and very profitable as they often schedule details for when the weather may not allow for as many car washes or for the car wash lanes to be open.
This hand car wash & detail center has been in business for over 33 years, which in and of itself speaks to its very consistent success. This is a very profitable business with a very loyal as well as diverse customer base. The highly positive reputation is shared between their private vehicle owner customers and their commercial vehicle as well as dealership accounts. The location is excellent with very high traffic and a great demographic mix within the local population.
The current owner is involved on a regular basis when available, but does have a very qualified as well as trained manager to step in to that role as needed throughout a given week. The owner generally overseas the daily operational duties as he deems appropriate based on his available time, but all washing and detailing is done by a long-term group of employees that are managed in part by his acting manager. A new owner can operate this business very actively and do extremely well from a cash flow standpoint or be somewhat less involved and still do very-very well from a cash flow standpoint.
Sale includes:
All business assets, the business entity, all furniture/fixtures/equipment, all business relationships, and all cash flow.
Key upside for new owner:
– In growth phase with commercial accounts & private parties
– Excellent Location
– High profit margin
– 33+ years in business
– Long-term seasoned employees
– Industry leader in service and quality
– Top-Notch professional service provider
– Long-term client/customer relationships
– Diverse client/customer base
– Solid vendor and business alliances
– Continued strong demand for this needed service
– Seller is willing to stay involved for a training period
Listing Details
Total Sales: $500,000
Cash Flow: $170,000
FFE: $30,000