Price: $195,000

Location: Chicago land

Includes: business entity, all equipment & fixtures.

This business is an internet based company that sells personalized gifts by website and phone. All personalized gifts are created and shipped the same day that they are received by the company. The company targets personal gifts at popular price points, given for reasons such as: New Baby, Get Well, Romance, Birthday, Anniversary, Holidays, Retirement, Teacher Gifts, Weddings, Graduation, Etc…This company has developed unique computerized and automated techniques that permit the company to create and imprint custom personalized items rapidly. A small staff of four people can produce up to 200 custom personalized items per day, and a small increase in staff can greatly expand production capability without need for any additional equipment. This business offers over 8,500 color graphics on their website that allows customers to furnish their own pictures for use in their personalization at no additional cost. This company was created to meet specific business characteristics permitting high growth and flexibility in future business plans.

Verified cash flow or net (approximately): Owner will discuss
Value of furniture, fixtures & equipment (approximately): Owner will discuss
Value of real estate (approximately): Not Included

Listing Details

Total Sales: $411,500

Inventory: $38,000


Facilities Information:

Lease expires 7/31/06, deposit $570.00, rent $1315.00, 1200 square feet.


