Vacuum Systems and Service Business for Sale in Skokie, Illinois, Cook County
Listing Details
Total Sales: $2,298,000
SDE: $389,126
Cash Flow: $389,126
FFE: $5,000 (Included in Price)
Inventory: $35,000
Real Estate: $400,000 (Included in Price)
Reason For Sale:
To retire from this life-long work and pursue other interests.
Training & Support:
As much as needed and agreed in an offer-to-purchase.
Year Established: 1970
Days & Hours of Operation: Daytime Business Hours
Owner Hours Per Week: 40
Employees: 1
Managers: 1
Square Footage: 3320
Facilities Information:
Land area approximately 5625 square feet and building area approximately 3320 square feet.
Historical Summary:
The real estate is included in this sale for $625,000.00 but the seller may consider just selling the business to the right buyer or buyer group as that is price separately as $225,000.00 for the business entity portion.
This company is a specialty maintenance related service business that has been serving the Chicago area for approximately forty-nine years. The business has multiple dimensions from an installation and service side, but it also maintains a retail storefront operation where certain related products are sold along with various product components in addition to having an onsite service center at this retail location.
A finished office space exists on the 2nd floor but is not being utilized so this building could potentially serve multiple purposes and generate multiple income streams.
- This business was a pioneer in its industry in the Chicago area.
Potential Growth:
- This owner/seller is making a great living operating this business as is for many years, but a huge amount of potenital as well as variousn options exists for expansion.
- Seller may consider some seller financing with a very qualified buyer.