
Price: $1,519,000

Industry: Building Trades

Specialty Trades Business for Sale in Elmhurst, Illinois, DuPage County

Specialty building trades related business located in DuPage County catering to middle and high-income households and also commercial or industrial clients.  The unique difference between this company verses others is the strategic marketing and advertising game plan producing a steady stream of in-coming leads.  This company has invested huge amounts of time/energy/money to drive in-coming traffic and not with just one website like a typical company, but with dozens of online outlets to grab the attention of their ideal customer.  The online presence and diverse website strategy funnels traffic to the internal contact management system.  This online infrastructure itself is well worth the value of this business and it is just in its infancy.  Sales revenue has grown year over year since the start of business.  This company is honing in on the target customers better with each year that passes and remains focused on increasing profitability per job.

This company was started as a response to the need for a tech savvy company in the industry.  One principal shareholder has experience in the industry and acquired vast knowledge as to how a quality business of this type can gain greater market exposure.  This strategy has proven successful and continues to expand.  The company is positioned well for a new owner who enjoys building trades related businesses and wants minimal overhead.

Sale includes: All Business Assets including the Business Entity, all Furniture/Fixtures/Equipment, and all Cash Flow

Key Attributes:

– Minimal Overhead Business

– Low Rent Headquarters

– Fully Furnished Multi-Room 1564 Sq. Ft. Office Suite

– Central Chicago Metro Location

– Great Client Demographic

– Includes Two Vehicles (one pick-up truck/one car)

Listing Details

Total Sales: $2,599,569

SDE: $462,255

Cash Flow: $462,255

FFE: $140,000 (Included in Price)

Inventory: $18,000

Reason For Sale:


Training & Support:

As much as needed and agreed during the purchase process.


Monthly Rent: 750